Doc Templates

Doc templates are a premium feature that let you quickly create & fill out Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and more from a template.

Set up doc templates for meeting agendas, presentations, invoices, and other docs you frequently duplicate (e.g. docs you create for every client, or every new hire).

For teams, doc templates help team members easily create the docs they need to do their job — with consistent doc names and organized exactly where they belong in Google Drive every time.

You can even use properties to automatically customize or replace content within the generated Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

How doc templates work

Doc templates let you quickly create docs from a template — perfect for project plans, meeting agendas, client presentations, sales quotes, reports & more. You can create doc templates for personal use, or share them with your team so they can quickly and easily create docs from your team’s templates.

When you set up a doc template in Workona, you can choose any doc in Google Drive as the "template doc". This is the doc that will be duplicated when the doc template is used.

The template doc isn't changed in Google Drive in any way, it is just flagged as a doc template within Workona. However, any changes you make to the content of the template doc within Workona's template editor will be reflected in Google Drive.

Doc templates allow you to specify the doc naming convention (e.g. Meeting Agenda - {{Date}} ), default folder location (e.g. Meeting Agendas Drive folder), and default sharing permissions (e.g. Anyone at can edit). When you create a doc from the doc template, these defaults will be initially set, but you'll be able to adjust them before creating the doc.

When you create docs from the doc template you've set up, we:

  1. Duplicate the template doc.
  2. Give the copied doc the new name, folder location, and sharing permissions you've specified.
  3. Replace any properties we find within the content of the created doc.
  4. Open the created doc in a new tab.

Your doc templates can be managed in the template manager.

Your team’s doc templates can be managed from team template settings in the admin dashboard.

Example doc templates

The doc templates you set up will appear in the Create menu.

Below is an example of what your Create menu might look like:


New Google Doc

New Google Sheet

New Google Slides


New Kickoff Meeting Agenda

New Client Presentation

New Customer Implementation Plan

New Sales Quote

New Customer Contract

New Invoice

New Email Newsletter Draft

New Blog Article Draft

New Quarterly Report

New Story Requirements Document

New Blank Interface Jamboard

New FeatureX User Interview Notes

New Post Mortem Meeting Notes

New Board Deck

New All Hands Deck

New Offer Letter


When you click on a doc template in the Create menu, you'll be able to name the new doc, select where to create it within Google Drive, and even adjust the sharing permissions.

Create a doc template

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click Templates at the top of a sidebar.
  3. Navigate to the Doc Templates section.
  4. Click the + button in the upper right.
  5. Connect to Google Drive if you haven't already.
  6. Template doc: Begin template setup by selecting the source "Template Doc", which is the Google Doc, Sheet, Slides, etc. that will be duplicated when the doc template is used.
    • Optionally modify the template doc's content. We recommend that you add properties for any content you commonly fill out within the content of the created docs, and then add the property name to the content of the template doc surrounded by curly braces (e.g. {{My Property Name}}).
    • Click Next when you're done.
  7. Create menu: Specify the name that you will click in the Create menu to use the doc template. This also serves as the doc template's name (only visible in Workona). Click Next when you're done.
  8. Doc creation form: Set up the doc creation form that will appear when users create docs from the doc template. We recommend specifying a doc naming convention, as well as default folder and permissions. The defaults you specify will be applied when you use the template (you'll be able to adjust any of the fields before creating the doc), as well as adding properties that you want replaced in the generated doc content. Then click Next when you're done.
    • Google Doc Naming Convention: What docs (Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.) will be named by default. Optionally, click the Insert property field to autofill part or all of the doc name using property fields when the doc template is used.
    • Default Google Drive Folder: The folder the docs will be saved in.
    • Default Google Doc Permissions: Who will be able to edit, comment on, or view the docs.
  9. Test doc creation: Test your new doc template so you can ensure it's working as expected. Confirm the generated doc is using the naming convention you defined, and if applicable, that any properties you've specified have been swapped out in the content of the generated doc. Delete the test doc when you're done, then click Done testing.
  10. Share doc template: If you're happy with how your doc template is working, you can optionally share it with your team. All team members will see the doc template appear within the Create menu in Workona, and they will be able to create docs from the template.
Keep Google Drive organized with consistent doc names
Have a naming convention for certain docs? Specify it in the doc template's Google Doc naming convention to help you and your team name the docs the same way every time.

Define a naming convention for generated docs

We recommend setting up a doc naming convention for each of your doc templates. Doc naming conventions help your team use the same naming structure every time so docs will always be easy to find, and neatly organized in Drive.

As a best practice, your doc naming convention should include the part of the doc name that is always the same for every generated document e.g. **Meeting Agenda - ** ) as text, and all of the unique parts of the name should be composed of properties (e.g. **Meeting Agenda - ** {{Client}} ** - ** {{Current Date: YYYY-MM-DD}}). This will make creating docs easy for your team, while ensuring everything will be neatly organized within Google Drive and easy to find in search.

For example, you might set these as the doc naming convention for the list of example doc templates we provided above:

  • Kickoff Meeting - {{Client}}
  • Welcome to AcmeAgency - {{Client}}
  • Acme Customer Implementation Plan - {{Customer}}
  • Acme Sales Quote - {{Company}}
  • Acme Sales Agreement - {{Customer}}
  • Acme Invoice - {{Client}}
  • Email Newsletter - {{Send Date: YYYY/MM}} - {{Newsletter Name}}
  • Blog - {{Article Title}}
  • Quarterly Report - {{Current Date: YYYY}}-{{Quarter}}
  • {{Story Name}} Requirements
  • {{Feature}} Mockup
  • {{Feature}} User Interview Notes - {{User Name}} at {{Company}}
  • Post Mortem Meeting Notes - {{Sprint Number}}
  • Acme Board Deck - {{Meeting Date: YYYY/MM/DD}}
  • All Hands - {{Meeting Date: YYYY/MM/DD}}
  • Offer Letter - {{Candidate Name}}

To insert a property field into the doc naming convention:

  1. Create or edit the doc template:
  2. Click Doc creation form in the sidebar.
  3. In the Doc Naming Convention field, click the Insert property field.
  4. Select a property to insert into the name (e.g. Meeting Agenda - {{Client Name}}). All inserted properties will be required in the doc creation form.

Replace properties within the content of generated docs

If you normally need to fill out something in the content each copy of a Google Doc, Sheet, or Slides, that's a perfect candidate for using a property. Set up properties to replace customer name, prices, dates, project IDs, etc., throughout a doc, instead of filling each spot in manually.

Once you've added properties to your doc template, your team will be able to fill out a simple form to create docs from the template — with everything pre-filled in the content of the generated docs.

Any properties that are included between double curly brackets {{ }} (handlebars) will be replaced. It's important to note that the exact property name must be used (case insensitive). For example, the following would be replaced in the content of a generated Google Doc:

  • This:

Proposal prepared for {{Client Name}}

  • Will be replaced with this:

Proposal prepared for Acme

You can replace properties in most locations within Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides (e.g. body, header, footer, cells, bulleted lists, tables, etc.). The formatting of the property's text will be preserved when the properties are replaced.

Follow the steps below to add properties to your doc template's content:

  1. Create or edit the doc template:
  2. Click Template doc section in the sidebar. You'll see the content of the template doc appear with a properties panel to the left of it.
  3. Click Add property field button in the properties panel and add a property field for each element you want to be replaced within the content of the generated docs.
  4. Click a property's name to copy it to your clipboard (e.g. {{My Property Name}}, then paste the property into the content of the template doc. The property will be replaced in the generated docs with whatever you fill into the property field in the doc creation form.
    • For example, if the property name (property label) is Client Name, then you would type {{Client Name}} in the content of the template doc anywhere that you want the client name to be inserted.

The following file types support property replacement within their content:

  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Slides
  • Microsoft Word (only if stored in Google Drive)
  • Microsoft Excel (only if stored in Google Drive)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (only if stored in Google Drive)
Help your team fill out property fields consistently
We recommend making property fields required to ensure your docs are filled out properly every time. To do so, go to the 'Doc creation form' settings for the doc template, then click the three-dot menu on a property and select 'Make field required'.

Contextual autofill within spaces

If you insert a property (e.g. Client Name) into the doc naming convention of a doc template (e.g. Meeting Notes - {{Client Name}}), then the property field's value (e.g. the client's name) will be autofilled different depending on what space the doc is created within.

For example, if you create a new doc from your Meeting Notes doc template:

  • Within your Acme Inc space where Client Name: Acme Inc, the doc name will be autofilled as Meeting Notes - Acme Inc.
  • Within your Example Co space where Client Name: Example Co, the doc name will be autofilled as Meeting Notes - Example Co.

If you work in customer success or sales, you may be familiar with CRM features that autofill the customer's email and name into email templates based on the contact you currently have pulled up. Workona's properties work in a very similar way, except the autofill is based on what space you have open, rather than what CRM record you have open.

Add or edit property fields within a doc template

Use properties within doc templates to keep docs names consistently & organized in the right place, or even to automatically replace content within the generated Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

  1. Create or edit the doc template:
  2. Click Doc creation form in the sidebar.
  3. Add or edit the doc templates properties.
    • Add a property field: Click + Property field, then create or select a property.
    • Reorder a property field: Click the menu next to the field you want to reorder, then click Move up or Move down.
    • Set default property field values: Click into the field you want to set a default value for, then enter the value. The property field will always default to what you've specified, but it can always be adjusted when creating a doc. Note that property fields (e.g. Client Name) within doc templates are normally left blank, since the field's values (ClientA Inc., ClientB Co.) are typically filled in when creating a doc.
    • Make a property field required: Click the menu next to the field you want to make required, then click Make field required.
    • Edit a property field's label: Click the menu next to the field you want to edit, then click Edit property. Note that any updates to the property's label will be applied to all locations the property has been used.
    • Remove a property field: Click the menu next to the field you want to remove, then click Remove from doc template.

Use a doc template (create new Google Docs, Sheets, & Slides from a template)

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click the Create button at the top of a space, next to the search bar.
  3. Click the name of your doc template in the menu.
  4. If your doc template has any properties, fill out the property fields. Fill out the remaining fields (doc name, folder, permissions) if necessary.
  5. Click Create Google Doc. The new doc will open in your current space. If you've included any properties in the content of the template doc, those properties will be swapped out in the content of the created doc as well.
Create docs from your doc templates even faster
Use the shortcut OPTION-N (ALT-N on Windows) from anywhere in the browser, then search for the doc template you want to use. Learn more →

Edit a doc template

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click Templates at the top of a sidebar.
  3. Navigate to the Doc Templates section.
  4. Click the Edit doc template settings button (gear icon) that appears when you hover over the doc template you want to modify.
  5. For an overview of how the doc template editor works and the available settings, see the create doc template section.

Share a doc template with your team

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click Templates at the top of a sidebar.
  3. Navigate to the Doc Templates section.
  4. Click the Share doc template button (team icon) that appears when you hover over the doc template you want to share.
  5. Select the team(s) you want to share the doc template with, or create a team if you don’t have one yet. Doc templates cannot be shared with individuals, and you must be a member or admin of the team to share it with team members.
How can team members use the doc templates?
All team members will see the team's doc templates in the Create button and will be able to create docs from the doc templates you've set up for them. That means that new team members can start using the doc templates they need for their role on day one on the job.

Delete a space template

  1. Open Workona.
  2. Click Templates at the top of a sidebar.
  3. Navigate to the Doc Templates section.
  4. Click the Delete doc template button (trash icon) that appears when you hover over the template.
  5. Click Delete to confirm you want to delete the template.

Manage doc templates

  1. Open Workona.

  2. Click Templates at the top of a sidebar.

  3. Navigate to the Doc Templates section.

  4. Hover over the doc template you want to manage, then click the buttons that appear:

    • Edit doc template settings (gear icon)
    • Edit doc template content (pencil & note icon)
    • Share doc template (team icon)
    • Delete doc template (trash icon)

Manage team space templates

  1. Open Workona.

  2. Click the Teams button (team icon) at the bottom of the sidebar, or navigate to

  3. Select the team you want to manage.

  4. Select Templates in the team settings sidebar.

  5. Select Doc Templates in the sidebar, and the team’s doc templates will appear.

  6. Hover over the doc template you want to manage, then click the buttons that appear:

    • Edit doc template settings (gear icon)
    • Edit doc template content (pencil & note icon)
    • Share doc template (team icon)
    • Delete doc template (trash icon)