Embed Google Drive Folders

Embedded folders display the same content in Workona as in Google Drive, including the same names for docs and files. This way, you don’t have to waste energy by organizing your work in two places.

This feature is only available if you have connected Google Drive.

Embed Google Drive folder

  1. Open Workona and connect Google Drive if you haven't already.
  2. Select a space.
  3. Click Resources under the space title in the header.
  4. Click the + button in the upper right of the resource section.
  5. Select Google Drive.
  6. Select the folder you want to embed.
  7. The Google Drive folder will auto-embed, meaning that all the contents of the folder will appear in their own resource section. The section will be marked with a Google Drive icon and have the same name as the Google Drive folder.
Changed your mind?
If you’d rather your Google Drive folder be treated like an ordinary resource, click the ⋮ button that appears to the right of the embedded folder, then click 'Convert to resource'.

Convert resource to embedded folder

If you have a Google Drive folder saved as a resource, you can easily turn it into an embedded folder. This lets you see the contents of the folder right in the space.

  1. Open Workona and connect Google Drive if you haven't already.
  2. Select a space.
  3. Click Resources under the space title in the header.
  4. Right-click a Google Drive folder saved as a resource.
  5. Click Embed Google Drive folder.

Update Google Drive folder

Workona auto-updates your embedded Google Drive folders to reflect recent changes. In addition, docs in an embedded folder are ordered by most recently modified. However, you can update an embedded folder on demand by following these steps:

  1. Open Workona and connect Google Drive if you haven't already.
  2. Select a space.
  3. Click Resources under the space title in the header.
  4. Find the embedded Google Drive folder — it will look like a resource section, but with a Google Drive icon next to its name.
  5. To update, click the refresh button next to the button.
  6. To see the date and time of the last update, hover over the refresh button.

Update Google Drive permissions

Workona auto-prompts you to share embedded Drive folders with space collaborators. However, you can edit sharing permissions on demand by following these steps:

  1. Open Workona and connect Google Drive if you haven't already.
  2. Select a space.
  3. Click Resources under the space title in the header.
  4. Find the embedded Google Drive folder — it will look like a resource section, but with a Google Drive icon next to its name.
  5. Click the button to the right of the folder name.
  6. Click Google Drive permissions.
  7. Adjust sharing permissions in the popup that appears.
  8. Click Grant permissions.