Brand Management System

Free space template

Use this brand management template to organize your brand resources all in one place:

Key resources

Get your team members on the same page by adding brand essentials to a space: logos, fonts, brand colors and patterns, and even licensing details.


Organize your guides, how-tos, and checklists in a space. They help employees as well as outsiders—like journalists and partners—get it right when it comes to your brand.

Images & more

Content that defines and guides your brand should be easy to find. A space can help you share approved photography and illustrations, documentation of marketing assets, and your content management system (CMS).

With this brand management template, you get:

  • A reference to use as you build and publish your own brand management system.
  • A dedicated space to organize your brand management resources.
  • The option to share with team members.

Use with your favorite cloud apps:

Brand Management
Key Resources
Logos & Font Files
Google Drive Folder
Licensing Details
Microsoft OneNote
Brand Colors & Patterns
Figma File
Style Guide
Notion Page
Brand Guidelines & Examples
Google Presentation
Messaging Best Practices
Notion Page
Brand Photos
Dropbox Folder
Marketing Assets
Airtable Base
Approved Photography - Unsplash
Media Library